Before & After


When we bought the property in April 2022, we had a dream and a bunch of crazy ideas in our heads about what we wanted it to end up as. But as with any big projects, we had to take it one step at a time. We started with this sad garage- the only building on our property. So we set out to transform it into a sort of mascot or beginning foundation for our dream.

Here is a look at what our property was like when it was purchased. How raw and unkempt it was, so overgrown and in need of our attention and love.

June 2023:
clearing land to make room for fall fun!

Our Progress

Over the past year or so we’ve done a lot to the property to get it ready for the fall season 2023 when we hope to open.

We started by completely transforming the barn inside and out- fixing gaping interior holes, and refreshing and repainting the exterior.

Next we went about clearing the property from dead trees and numerous overgrown bushes. Late this winter we were able to close off the wetland area and add some native plants to make sure the space would thrive.

This spring we were finally able to see what we had been planning in our heads, and put in a split rail fence to section off our future area for customers and our petting zoo.

Stay tuned for what will be happening next!

title element

petting zoo

coming soon

Before we open for Farm Tours and our Fall Season, we have a new area just for kids that we’re in the process of building.

More details and pictures coming soon!

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